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Portrait Karl Schenker
Construction of the Berlin Wall | 36 pictures
Berlin Wall Demarcation | 73 pictures
Berlin Wall People Selection of 50 pictures of the population's reactions to the construction of the Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall Politicians | 12 picures
Berlin Wall Refugees | 20 pictures
Wall Attempt to Escape | 24 pictures
Successful escape Berlin Wall | 70 pictures
Evictions at Bernauer Street after the Construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 | 28 pictures
Situation at Bernauer Street after the Berlin Wall had been built in 1961 | 73 pictures
Confrontations after the construction of the Berlin Wall | 17 pictures
Berlin Wall - Reactions | 23 pictures
Protest Construction Berlin Wall: Carl-Wolfgang Holzapfel Various actions by Carl-Wolfgang Holzapfel in protest against the construction of the Wall | 14 pictures
Berlin Wall 1960´s | 107 pictures
Berlin Wall 1970´s | 37 pictures
Berlin Wall 1980´s | 102 pictures
Living with the Berlin Wall until 1989 | 59 pictures
Wall Tourism | 56 pictures
Celebrities visiting the Wall | 61 pictures
The Cold War in Berlin: Battle of the Loudspeakers | 31 pictures
German-German border Before/after pictures | 116 pictures
"30 Years of the Fall of the Wall" - Celebration at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin | 29 pictures
Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 - Front pages of German newspapers Special fee title page | 9 title pages
Collection: Andreas von Lintel 122 pictures from the times of the fall of the wall - freshly digitized
Falling of the wall 09.11.1989 Selection of 93 pictures for the fall of the Berlin Wall on 09.11.1989
Berlin Brandenburg Gate 9/10.11.1989 Selection of 92 motives at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin in the days 09. and 10.11.1989
Opening of the Border Germany Border Crossing 13 pictures
Selection of 12 pictures for the opening of the border at Selection of 68 pictures for the opening of the border at Bernauer Strasse
Grenzöffnung Berlin Bornholmer Straße Selection of 30 pictures for the opening of the border at Bornholmer Strasse
Opening of the Border Berlin Oberbaumbruecke 11 pictures
Grenzöffnung Berlin Invalidenstraße / Sandkrugbrücke 41 pictures
Opening of the Border Berlin Heinrich-Heine-Strasse / Prinzenstrasse 19 pictures
Opening of the Border Glienicker Bruecke 34 pictures
Opening of the Border Berlin Friedrichstrasse 16 pictures
Opening of the Border Berlin Checkpoint Charlie 75 pictures
Opening of the Border Berlin Potsdamer Platz 74 pictures
Opening of the Border Berlin Sonnenallee 19 pictures
08.08.1989 - Closure of the Permanent Representation 11 pictures
10.11.1989 Demonstration at the town hall Berlin-Schöneberg 3 pictures
Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 - Front pages of German newspapers Special fee title page | 5 title pages
Frieda Schulze escapes through a window in Bernauer Strasse in Berlin, 1961 | 18 pictures
Escape of a family from their third-floor apartment at Bernauer Straße in East Berlin, 1961 | 6 pictures
Refugee Camp Berlin Marienfelde | 65 pictures
an-European Picnic neat Sopron, Hungary, in 1989 | 13 pictures
Hungary opens the border The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Budapest is closed due to overcrowding | 53 pictures
Genscher announces departure of embassy refugees in Prague | 38 pictures
Flight of East German citizens to the West 1989 | 64 pictures
Victim of Berlin Wall | 73 pictures
GDR Wall: Death Toll | 68 pictures
Victim of the Berlin Wall in Bernauer Strasse in 1961 Bernd Lünser | 8 pictures
Victim of the Berlin Wall in Bernauer Strasse in 1961 Ida Siekmann | 26 pictures
Victim of the Berlin Wall in Bernauer Strasse in 1961 Olga Segler | 5 pictures
Victim of the Berlin Wall in Bernauer Strasse in 1961 Rudolf Urban | 6 pictures
Berlin Wall in 1962: Murder of Peter Fechter | 78 pictures
Rememberance of the Victims of the Wall | 78 pictures